Peachy Keen: Chipotle Giveaway

September 27, 2010

One thing most photographers know is that it is important to fuel up. We work long days and lug a lot of heavy gear, so Rule Number One is “Don’t pass out”.

Our numero-uno-primo-favorito way to fuel up when we are shooting and/or traveling is to stop at Chipotle (literally: like yesterday, on the way to Georgia from Connecticut, we waited two and a half hours because the nearest Chipotle wasn’t until Virginia. And this has happened multiple times. true story. we heart them big time…)

So, to spread the Chipotle love and to stress the importance of food (in Scobeyland food is priority ONE… then all that other stuff like GodFamilyPhotographyLoveUnicorns&Sunshine :)) we are giving away a $25 gift card to Chipotle. That’s a lot of burrito yummyiness, y’all!

Just leave us a comment and answer the question: In your life and/or business, what is Rule Number One? Tweet about this post (mention @Scobeyphotog) for an extra entry. The winner will be announced on Friday, October 1st!

And best of all? Chipotle uses local and organic products as much as they possibly can… so you can fuel up, do good and feel good at the same time: triple win!

Happy Eating!

– G+A

  1. #1 Rule: Don’t cut off a fingertip.

    If it’s too late/too early/too stressful and I am risking cutting off my fingertip with my trusty x-acto, then it’s time to take a walk/have a snack/go to bed, etc.

  2. Natalie says:

    Rule number one in life is: always be honest in our house! Rule number 2: if mom needs a break, i shut the door and read a book.

  3. Natalie says:

    I tweeted about the giveaway! I hope I win!

  4. Jessie C. says:

    Rule Number One in my life and in the house, healthy is everything.

  5. Dalton says:

    WOW! What an awesome giveaway! Our number one rule in the house is “Sunday = Sports”

  6. Carla says:

    In our house, my husband set our number one rule: “Anything we said 6 or 8 months ago is inadmissible in an argument”

  7. D. Bray says:

    It’s pretty simple in our house, our #1 rule is: “Christopher Columbus didn’t need directions, and neither do we.”

  8. Jennifer D. says:

    Our number one rule is LOVE God, LOVE People…. (which by default includes LOVING food, that we so enjoy, because God gave us food and people to share it with!!!)

  9. Erica Best says:

    Rule one In my life is If u don’t love or like me for me then get the hell out my life because I’m not changing for anyone but my self.

  10. Anna P says:

    Rule one is to be fair (since I’m the only female in the house I like this rule)

  11. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Anna Page, erica best and JessieKatie, Graham Scobey. Graham Scobey said: We love Chipotle, so we are spreading the burrito love! Go to the blog for your chance to win some amazing yumminess: […]

  12. Liz M. says:

    Our number one rule is to leave each other alone if possible for the first hour or so we are awake. We are not morning people and this avoids a lot of conflicts.

  13. Liz M. says:

    I tweeted! @FakeGradSchool

  14. […] And so, we decided to put ourselves out there – to talk about how we manage (and save) our time from pre-production to post-production. And then life surprised us, as it tends to do. We were so humbled and blessed by the response: we completely sold out the first class and are now opening up another date for anyone who wasn’t able to get into the first one. So, on Wednesday, March 28th, we are going to be inviting another group of wonderfully talented photographers to come to our place, hang out with us, share your strengths and struggles, learn about our workflow, and eat some burritos (because, maybe y’all don’t know this about us, but our Heaven is going to be one giant Chipotle). […]

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