Peachy Keen: The Kindergarten Blues

August 15, 2014

Eggs and bacon. That’s what she wanted for breakfast. Eggs and bacon with orange juice. Like she didn’t even know that she could have asked for chocolate cake, and I would have gladly made it for her. With sprinkles, even. The first day of Kindergarten is a day that parents talk about from the very beginning of a child’s life – it’s anticipated with excitement and fear – it marks the beginning of life as a big kid. The beginning of life as a parent with a big kid. And here it was for us.


Evie Loo Who – You are exceptional. From the way your eyes light up when you talk about tire swings, to the gentle way you worry about me missing you while you’re gone. I am so thankful for the beautiful heart you have. As I watched you walk out the door yesterday, I kept thinking about the day we brought you home from the hospital. You were so delicate and tiny. You’ve grown into such an independent little girl who really enjoys life – and I am more proud than I can say. This World is a big place, and you’re in it now – so instead of worrying about you; instead of spending each morning crying and each afternoon missing you, I am going to celebrate the fact that, because you are out in this big World, there is more sunshine and beauty in it now. Always remember that life is not a competition (I know that sometimes you will struggle with this, because you have a lot of your mama in you). Life is not a race or a contest, life is a minute by minute chance to practice love. Get as good at that as you possibly can – that will teach you the true source of joy. We love you so much. In a heart-exploding way. – Mama

  1. Leslie says:

    That is so beautifully said!

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