What does it mean to live? Is it simply that we are born, we go to work, we check Facebook and curate our Instagram feed? That we catch up on our inbox, and do it in time to binge a few episodes of that new Netflix series before going to bed, waking up, and starting all over again? Sometimes, in the daily grind, it can feel that way. That life is just wave after wave of busyness, and we are the pebbles on the shore being churned into sand. That's when we know we have been still too long. That our hearts a stagnating and our dreams are fading. That we need to get back on the road.

There is something about having nowhere to be and all day to get there that centers us. No Facebook, no phones, no distractions. Just the people we love the most and the adventure of the journey into the unknown. On the road, there aren't deadlines or assignments. There aren't routines or guidelines. There are trails to hike, sunsets to watch, and waterfalls to jump off of. There are detours to the world’s largest thermometer, and picnics by the ocean. Everything that matters is contained within the four doors of our car, and in the way the wind blows us.

for the loVE of 
the Road

"That's when we know we have been still too long. That our hearts a stagnating and our dreams are fading. That we need to get back on the road."

We remember how small we are. And we celebrate our smallness. We relearn how to play, how to discover, and how to be. And we revel in the joy in being. We discover how simple life really is, and how complicated we can make it. And we find rest in the simplicity. We get lost. And we find ourselves in our lostness. 

Because it will never matter how many Instagram followers we have, how much stuff we collect, how high we climb the ladder. But it will always matter, that feeling of standing on the edge of the world with our kids. The stories we will tell and retell of the time we got lost or the time we paid $90 to see a meteor crater. The moment we see in our kids eyes that they believe they can do anything, go anywhere, and be anyone they want to be. That will always matter.

And so we must travel, we can't afford not to. Road trips aren't an option for us, they are a way of life. We endeavor them for our family, for our hearts and souls, and for the love of the road.

we got lost or the time we paid $90 to see a meteor crater. The moment we see in our kids eyes that they believe they can do anything, go anywhere, and be anyone they want to be. That will always matter.

And so we must travel, we can't afford not to. Road trips aren't an option for us, they are a way of life. We endeavor them for our family, for our hearts and souls, and for the love of the road.