When It’s All Over, We Go Home

November 10, 2015

It was another evening on another airplane. That’s just how it’s felt lately. I looked out over the clouds and all of the twinkling, dancing lights below them. I love the way that big cities look from the air – how a birds eye view on things can make them seem small; like we could fit entire towns in our pockets. As I watched the clouds do their beautiful showing-off-at-sunset thing they do, I remembered something that my friend said last weekend.

“When the work is over, we all go home”.

We all go home. Every single time. Back to the life that we’ve built and the quiet moments that are salve to our hurried and scurried souls. Home is a beautiful thing. And I all too often forget that. I forget that, in the midst of us all wanting more and bigger and better, home is a reflection of Grace and a reminder that the things that bring us Peace are usually the small, quiet, everyday things. Purpose does not require a platform. Purpose is found in the little things – the things that get eclipsed by the more and bigger and better.

Home might be cooking a meal and sitting down across from the people you treasure most at your kitchen table. It might be the slow pace of laundry, dishes and fuzzy slippers or a wet nose and furry paws burrowed in your lap at the end of the day, his hand in yours as you snuggle on the couch in front of the fire.

It’s the smallest, everyday, easy-to-take-forgranted moments that make up the best part of our stories; and I think it’s time to honor that. Such beauty comes when we choose to find joy, really find joy, in every part of our journey. The up in the air and the on the ground parts, the way too fast and the wish they’d speed up parts, the seemingly mundane and the extraordinary parts. What would happen if we stopped wishing for things to be different or bigger or better or more? What if we would stop striving for a moment and just look up? We’d see that we already have it so good. We are covered and layered and heaped with Grace.

And when I come home I realize that the life I’ve been dreaming of is happening all around me.

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