Peachy Keen: Planners

August 16, 2012

** Update: Our winner is KAREN CHAMBLEE!! Be on the lookout for a little bit of sunshine comin’ your way via e-mail**

Today is a Scobey Holiday. Today I will dance around the house and eat nutella with a spoon (both in celebration and because – we’ll let’s be honest here – that’s just what I do). Today my planner came in the mail. Forgive me if I’m overreacting (actually, I didn’t mean that. there is no way I’m overreacting) but Planner Day is my absolute favorite day. There is just nothing like opening that box and breaking the crisp binding for the first time; like sitting down with my rainbow of pens and scheduling in plans for the upcoming year. It’s magical. And it’s so exciting. Getting to lay out the year ahead; getting to smile every time I write our couples’ names (with a heart around them, of course), to be able to see it all before it happens and then to let that little voice in my head remind me that, just like it does every year, the season will go by so quickly, so enjoy the amazing ride.

You guys. I get so inexplicably excited over Erin Condren planners. They are beautiful and fun and absolutely the most amazing planners I have ever used. This is my FIFTH year straight ordering an Erin Condren planner. So, to celebrate our five year planniversary (that’s a thing, right?) we are giving away a $25 gift card to the Erin Condren store. To enter, leave a comment below and tell us what your favorite part about planning is. For extra entries share this blog-post on your Facebook wall and Tweet about it (comment each time to let us know you’ve done that).

A winner will be announced next week! Happy Thursday, precious friends!

  1. Rebecca Willis says:

    What a cute planner! I also have the planner bug and besides the smell of organization (new, crisp paper) that pops out and the excuse to use 20-colored pens to mark things, I love the sense of direction that ultimately results from actually marking out your future in ink in a well-laid-out planner. Keeps my inner procrastinator/avoider in check. 🙂

  2. Robyn Henderson says:

    I love planning… love looking at my calendar for the entire month!

  3. Alison says:

    I am still trying to find the right fit for planning! I am currently digital with my ipod (because I am too cheap to get a smartphone!) but I miss the pages and the flipping and all things about paper. I have eyed these planners for a while, but never taken the leap! Love your cover!

  4. Hi guys! The image of someone dancing with Nutella and a spoon kinda made my day (it’s slow in the office). I’ve never been a huge planner but with my upcoming nuptials I’ve think I’ve been bitten by the planning bug. I find myself over using my quota of sticky notes and slipping various snip-its into my big fat wedding binder in attempts to stay as organized as possible. It’s to the point where it’s making me more organized in my everyday life. While the iPhone is a great calendar there is something about a physical planner that helps to get the job done.

  5. Shannon says:

    My favorite part is the physical act of going through and filling out the new planner… I also love looking through the old one to see everything that happened the year before… they are like little diaries!

  6. Leslie Lopez says:

    My favorite part about organizing my planner is writing down all my plans and feeling organized and put-together. I’m just like you, Ashley- I spend a whole day putting my new planner together and writing down everything that’s going on. It keeps me sane having my planner with me….at all times! I love all of Erin Condren’s products too!

  7. Jan says:

    Love getting my new planner! I use it as an excuse to buy all kinds of goodies at the office supply store like star stickers, new rainbow markers, highlighters and post-it flags! Your new one is adorable…maybe the Scobey clan can help me capture a great image for the cover of mine!

  8. Caroline Wathen says:

    My inner “Monica Gellar” (am I dating myself here?) really comes out when planner time comes around. Writing all the little things that make life worth living in all those pretty colored markers really bring a smile to my face. Blessings abound in the form of a packed schedule, so having something pretty to look at everyday sure makes maintaining a busy lifestyle a bit easier. Now that the ring is on my finger, I’ve somehow assumed the title of not only “wife” but also “event planner”, “secretary”, and “timekeeper”. Now I get to add little football stickers to Sundays when the Bears are playing and get to make 2 dentist appointments instead of one (hello little tooth stickers!). Stickers, markers and pretty pictures in a pretty book….life is good!

  9. Susan Shelnutt says:

    I love filling in all of the Auburn football Saturdays first. Then, I love to find all of the big holidays to see what days I the week they fall on and how many extra days our whole family can be together. Finally, I live to see how the days fill up and make up a year in our lives. I save all of our calendars/planners and love looking back on how our activities and lives have changed over the years.

  10. Bethany says:

    I love this planner:) With three kids and a husband, my schedule can get crazy!! I love planning because it allows me to get all of our activities in one place. Life is less stressful with things written down.

  11. Ashley-Rose Kelley says:

    Thinking about Ash dancing around with a spoon of nutella is absolutely precious! I love planning events because it gives us the chance to reconnect with friends and brainstorm fun ideas! It gives me structure and a schedule, as well as helps me keep track of dates that are coming up around the corner so they don’t sneak up on us!

  12. Amy Jordan says:

    Great minds think alike 🙂 I just got my confirmation email that my Erin Condren Life Planner was shipped today and couldn’t be more excited!! That is too funny!! When a friend of mine told me about them a few weeks ago, I was obsessed right when I went to her website and saw all the fun planning stuff, notepads, pens etc. I am SO excited to put all of our wedding “To Do’s” and appointments in it over the next 10 months, eeee!! First thing I will be adding is our Engagement Photo Shoot with The Scobey’s on Sept 9th 🙂 So freaking excited!!

  13. Keela Evans says:

    Haha mine came in the mail YESTERDAY! I spent around an hour filling up (with a rainbow of pens) the pages and it brings me so much joy as well… AND I got to put my new name on there 😉 hope you guys are doing great and love seeing your posts/updates!

  14. Natalie says:

    I used to be totally disorganized with dates. Now I have a dry erase calendar in the kitchen. I could NOT function without that thing. But these planners are way nicer than my Target calendar! So cute!

  15. Rachel says:

    My favorite part of getting organized is a new pack of flair pens! Can’t start a new planner without them.

  16. Laura says:

    My favorite part about planning is crossing off finished items from to do lists! It makes me feel so productive and accomplished. I make mini to do lists on almost every single day in my planner!!

  17. Rachel says:


  18. Rachel says:

    Shared on fb!

  19. Kim R says:

    My favorite part about planning is the vacations! Writing them down, dreaming about them, and imagining myself there already.

    My planner does double duty as a prayer journal. It has really helped to give me discipline in my prayer life.

  20. Erin says:

    I have a total type-A personality so I pretty much love every aspect of planning. I have a calendar from Target that comes with little stickers, and the child inside me gets SO happy every time I get to put a sticker on for an important date. 🙂

  21. Karen Chamblee (aka Aunt Karen) says:

    You all know that my life is ALL about planning and organizing. WHAT ELSE do I have to do right now – sitting here with a broken kneecap – but plan??? AND who needs more reasons to have something to look forward to that ME???? Have mercy!! Throw me a bone!!! I am missing my twin grandchildren’s birthday this weekend because of my injury and need to PLAN for next year!!! AND as soon as someone shows me how to share on Facebook I will!!

  22. My favorite part about planning is the amazing creativity it unleashes in me. By planning I get to figure out the who and what for all types of events. The details like colors, place, and general atmosphere are just icing on the cake.

  23. Sabrina Stewart says:

    Shared on Facebook:)

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