Grow Your Brand Online Conference

We’ve been keeping a secret that we can FINALLY share!! We are so excited to be a part of Two Bright Lights’ Grow Your Brand Online Conference. This is going to be amazing! It’s a completely free online conference (code for please wear your pajamas and retainer!) two evenings jam packed with tips on how […]

blogging for photographers

Blogging has changed a LOT in the past 9 years. When we first started shooting Weddings and building our business it was a non-negotiable to have a blog. Blogs were the JAM. Everyone was blogging, and I also had a blogroll about a mile long that I was reading daily (anyone remember those?!). Now… it’s […]

Social Media marketing strategy

Do you ever feel like you spend your down season just spinning your wheels? Does your marketing strategy look like throwing spaghetti at a wall to see what sticks (and nothing EVER sticks)? What if we told you that it’s possible to spend less time on marketing and get much better results? What if we told […]

Sometimes it feels like there are a lot of make or breaks for a Wedding Day. The planner, the photographer, the DJ, and sometimes even the weather can all effect the feel of a day. But did you know that a Wedding Timeline can be the BIGGEST make or break for a Wedding Day? A good Wedding […]

Creating an Effective Workflow

Oh friends. We all know the feeling of getting started. It’s like this amazing, giant rush… and then the panic sets in once we realize that there are so many things to do that we never studied or prepared for. Starting a small business can feel a lot like trying to drink out of a […]

Life is not meant to happen in isolation. And yet, so often, it does. We sit in front of our computer screens and answer emails. We stare at our phones and we share, like, comment, tweet and click – and we call it community… but it’s not. I used to think that Community was a […]