Peachy Keen: Our Hospital Bag

August 20, 2014

We are in the final few week countdown until Baby Boy Scobey makes his arrival, and everyone around here is preparing in their own way. Graham is getting a new tattoo, and I’m incessantly packing and re-packing our hospital bag. It feels so important to have everything that you need tucked and folded neatly inside this bag, when in reality the hospital will have everything that we really need. But as I’m over here obsessing about all of the last minute preparations, big and small, I thought I would share a little sneak into our hospital bag.


1. Shampoo and Conditioner: There is something about taking a shower after a couple of days in a hospital bed that really helps you to feel like a human again. I am obsessed with this LOVE duo because it smells amazing and makes my hair feel so soft.

2. Rattle: Completely unnecessary, but a great prop for some adorable newborn pictures. Plus, Graham got this for little man while we was up in Nashville for Porterflea a couple of months ago, so it’s coming with us to the hospital.

3. Water Bottle: You can never get enough water while you’re adjusting to those first few days as a new mama, and I love how long water stays cold in these beautiful BKR bottles.

4. Soft Robe/ Wrap: I recently treated myself to this amazing Barefoot Dreams cardigan and y’all, it’s the softest thing that I have ever felt. It’s like they took clouds that were shaped like puppies and magically wove them into this. Again, bonus points for ANYTHING that makes you feel slightly human again.

5. E-Reader: Because even though it goes by so, so fast (and you’re so, so tired) there is still a lot of downtime and waiting around in between all of the watching-baby-sleeping that happens.

6. Lululemon Roll-up Wunder Unders: I know better than to pack my skinny jeans in my hospital bag. In fact, I’ll probably pretend that they don’t even exist for a solid 4 months postpartum – but with a c-section I wouldn’t even reccommend taking maternity jeans to the hospital with you. Us c-section mamas need something seamless and comfy that can put some support on those wounds. These roll-down crops were a lifesaver during my pregnancy, so I just bought some of the cotton ones to help me through the recovery days.

7. Face Wash: I have a thing about a clean face. When I start to feel oily and cloggy, it messes with my head. I’ve been using this facewash since 2001 (talk about a long term relationship, friends) and I absolutely love it. Because of this slightly strange quirk, I’ll also be taking some face wipes for the time I’m stuck in the bed.

8. A Good Bag: We’ve been needing to replace our ratty old weekender for a while, and this baby’s arrival was the perfect opportunity. I love all of the pockets in this one and the fact that it has a shoulder strap option. And you can personalize it. It’s basically the best thing ever.

9. Gum: So that your nurses will like you, which is survival skill #1 in labor and delivery. Also: dry mouth ruins lives.

There we have it! Of course there are a couple of outfits for little man in there and there’s still room for my little diaper-bag clutch to sit right on top of the bag. What are some of your must-haves that I need to add to my bag?

  1. […] can also find my hospital bag essentials here, and my preggo-shooting essentials […]

  2. stephhalifax says:

    Those Lululemon Rolldowns are a postpartum must have! The best part is you can dress them up with a nice silky top or a knit sweater or dress them down with flip flops and a tank! So glad Lululemon is making them in different prints and finishes!

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