March Trigger. Happy.

March 5, 2015

This month we are so incredibly excited to welcome the powerhouse that is Hannah Brencher to our Trigger. Happy. community. She is one of the most incredible people I have ever had the priviledge of knowing, and I can’t wait to hear what she has to say.

Hannah Brencher, is an author and the creator of The World Needs More Love Letters. She will be sharing her heart on authenticity and voice. She will share how to Break the Fake, screw the lies and masks and create something real – something lasting and true.

Seats are going FAST for this event, so head over and grab yours before they are all gone.…

If you’ve never been to a Trigger. Happy. event, we would love to have you as a part of our community. We are a group who believes in community: real, sharing, edifying community. We exist to foster growth in the Atlanta photography industry through the act of helping each other learn.”A rising tide raises all ships” – JFK

As always, a GIANT thank you to Shootproof for supporting this community (and the snacks and giveaways) and to PPR for giving us a wonderful place to meet each month! We are so grateful for partners who believe in building community within the photography industry!


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